
Most Reverend
Marcel Damphousse,
Archbishop of Ottawa-Cornwall

Born on March 19th, 1963, in Saint Joseph, Manitoba, Archbishop Marcel Damphousse was ordained a priest on June 28th, 1991 for the Archdiocese of Saint Boniface. He served in a number of French and English parishes throughout the Archdiocese before being appointed Rector of the Cathedral in 2008.

Most Reverend
Yvan Mathieu, S.M.,
Auxiliary Bishop

“Pope Francis’ appointment of Father Yvan Mathieu, S.M., as my auxiliary bishop is an answer to my prayers and to the prayers of many faithful in our diocese. I welcome him with joy and gratitude for his generous ‘yes’ and his willingness to serve the Church he loves.”

     ✠ Marcel Damphousse, Archbishop of Ottawa-Cornwall

Most Reverend
Terrence Prendergast, S.J.,
Archbishop Emeritus

Archbishop Prendergast was born on February 19, 1944, in Montréal. He obtained a Bachelor of Arts from Fordham University in New York, followed by a Master of Divinity, a Licentiate in Theology and later a Doctorate in Sacred Scripture from Regis College, the Jesuit Faculty of Theology of the University of Toronto. He entered the Jesuit Novitiate in 1961, was ordained Priest on June 10, 1972, and Bishop on April 25, 1995.  

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