Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall

Seniors Ministry

By 2031, nearly 1 in 4 Canadians will be aged 65+ according to Statistics Canada. As the number of Canadian seniors rises, so do their needs, and in an increasingly digital world, many find themselves isolated, lonely, and disconnected. Like our young people, seniors are searching for hope.  


The Church embraces both the wisdom of its senior members and their unique mission as “protagonists of evangelization.” Pope Francis calls seniors “privileged witnesses of God’s faithful love” and reminds us of our duty to reach out to them. 


How can your parish answer this call?


The Ottawa-Cornwall Catholic Seniors Ministry (OCCS) is designed to provide programs, ideas, and support. We can help!

I ask you, spare no effort in proclaiming the Gospel to grandparents and the elderly. Go out to meet them with a smile on your face and the Gospel in your hands.

Pope Francis

Get Started

When beginning a new ministry, our first step is always inviting God to guide it. He’s the one who brings fruit! Begin your meetings and brainstorming sessions with prayer. 

How many seniors attend your masses or events on a regular basis? Have you noticed if senior parishioners have stopped coming to church? What care homes or retirement residences are within your parish boundaries? Do you have an online community that engages with livestreams or social media? Are there any seniors’ clubs in your area, or seniors who use Para Transpo 

Engage with your senior leaders and learn what brought them to the Church. If you have a parish Pastoral Council, canvass them for help and ideas. Speak with those in your pews about their personal faith journeys. Ask them what they would like to see happen in your parish. We must remember that attending Mass doesn’t automatically mean someone has encountered God; in fact, many seniors attend faithfully but have never been invited into personal relationship with Jesus. 

Check out what other parishes are doing for their seniors! Attend some of their events or connect with their leaders to learn more. Contact us for suggestions and guidance.

Like the rest of us, seniors struggle with sin and its consequences. They need the love and freedom Jesus offers. He died for them, and he invites each of them into a personal relationship with him.  


Consider the spiritual needs of your seniors. Could you form a senior faith study group, or run an Alpha course after a morning Mass? Do you have accessible times for confession, Eucharistic adoration, and daily Mass?   

When we dream of something, it’s tempting to start big. But all new ventures begin as something small. Like the parable of the mustard seed, we know that God can take our small efforts and make them bloom!  


Don’t be discouraged if your numbers are low to begin with; the key is to start! Click here for a list of ideas to inspire you. 

Get Inspired

Run a Seniors Mass & Luncheon once a month. Seniors can participate in the Mass as lectors, musicians, Eucharistic Ministers, etc. Following the Mass, enjoy a luncheon together while listening to an engaging speaker share their testimony or dive into a relevant topic. 

Have “Cake & Coffee” following daily Mass and celebrate all birthdays for that month. Remember to watch for new members and include them! 

As a group, watch a film from and discuss it. has a great selection of Catholic films on the saints and other topics.

Offer a program like the CCCB’s Horizons of Hope: A Toolkit for Catholic Parishes on Palliative Care which tackles the difficult topic of death and dying with a Catholic perspective.  


If you are a parish looking to get started with Horizons of Hope, we’ve made it easy for you! Click here to reach out to the OCCS team for access to HoH powerpoint presentations and other valuable resources developed to make your HoH sessions a success. 

Host a faith study that provides opportunities for seniors to dive into faith, wrestle with big life questions, and invite Jesus into their lives. 


Alpha – An 11-week course that offers a comfortable environment for people to explore Christianity and discuss life’s big questions. 


CCO Faith Studies – Small group studies that dive into the Catholic faith. The first study explores God’s love and his invitation into relationship. 

Run a program like Called & Gifted from the Catherine of Siena Institute and help seniors discover their charisms. The goal is to find new ways for them to serve and to develop their leadership skills. 

Volunteer as a seniors group to serve at a youth event or kids’ program. This is a great way to show our young people they are cared for and supported. 

Organize a team to bring communion to and visit with those confined to their homes or care homes. Make sure to complete the necessary EPIC and Safe Environment checks to ensure the safety of all volunteers and those to whom you are ministering.

Help to connect those seniors needing assistance with the necessary government, health, and social agencies. Share tips about healthy aging and fraud prevention. 

Create a Compassionate Care ministry to accompany seniors suffering from illness, grief, and/or difficult life circumstances, empathizing with their struggle and assisting them on their journey. 

Livestream your Masses to help seniors unable to join in-person continue to connect with the parish community. Have a tech-savvy parishioner help them get connected.  

Get Involved

Connect with events for seniors around the Archdiocese. If you are a local parish or Catholic ministry, you can submit your events using our online submission form. Make sure to highlight that your event is for Seniors! 


We want to help you get started with your own Seniors ministry. Please contact Ottawa Cornwall Catholic Seniors at for information or assistance. We want to know what you are doing in your parish!  

Upcoming Seniors Events

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