Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall

North American Final Document for the Continental Stage of the 2021-2024 Synod

For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission.


Synod on Synodality – National Synthesis for Canada

Here is the link to the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishop’s National Synthesis that was sent to the Holy See on August 15th, 2022.


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,I am proud to make available the 10-page report of our Synodal process (view below). Many people within the Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall took part and had their voices heard. I wish to thank Marisa Casagrande and the many collaborators who worked diligently and under difficult circumstances for making this important Church experience successful, and for providing a synthesis that will help us elaborate our Mission and pastoral plan. More fruits are to come from this process.  Enjoy your reading! Marcel Damphousse


Intercontinental Stage

View Oct Intercontinental Stage


Synod Process 2021-2024


For a Synodal Church:
Communion | Participation | Mission

View Synodal Sythesis – Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall

View The 5 Pillars

Pope Francis initiated a synodal journey of the whole People of God, beginning in each local Church and culminating in the Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in Rome, in October 2023. The theme of this synod is about the very nature of the Church, the specific way of living and operating as a Church together. What this really means is that we are going to create opportunities for gathering and listening to one another and to what the Holy Spirit may be saying to us about our Church at this time. We are hopeful that this process of listening and discerning also contributes to the sense of communion, renewal, and missionary zeal within our own parish.


Synod Timeline

View Synod Timeline

As many of you already know, my heart and vision for our Archdiocese is a Church that is alive in Christ and missionary in its zeal to bring the message, hope, and love of Christ to all. My journey through this first year of ministry as your Archbishop coincides with a crucial time in the life of the Church and the world which has been marked by increased suffering, injustice, and abuse of power.

It is important that our path forward include humbly listening to one another, and especially to those on the margins of the Church and of society. For this reason, it is somewhat providential that in April 2021, Pope Francis initiated a synodal journey of the whole People of God, to begin in October 2021 in each local Church and culminating in October 2023 in the Assembly of the Synod of Bishops.

Archbishop Marcel Damphousse



“Celebrating a Synod means
walking on the same road, walking together.”

Pope Francis

Welcome to the Archdiocese

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